

Morgan Wortham

The Chair acts as the presiding officer of the Division and presides over all Division meetings, serves on the Divisions Council of the larger Association, appoints committees, other groups, and other individuals as necessary to carry out the annual work program.

Send Morgan an Email


Sharmili Reddy, AICP

The Chair-Elect assists the Chair as directed, with tasks including, but not limited to, managing committee activities, assisting with special projects, assisting with the creation of the Annual Performance Plan and Work Plan, and other duties as assigned by the Chair.

Send Sharmili an Email


Mitchell Berg

The Secretary-Treasurer prepares minutes of the Division’s annual business meeting and all Executive Committee meetings, fulfills all recordkeeping and reporting requirements, manages Division funds, assists the Chair in preparing the Budget, and prepares an annual financial report to be presented at the annual meeting.

Contact Mitchell Email

Immediate Past Chair

Sean Maguire, AICP CEcD

The Immediate Past Chair supports the Chair and Chair-Elect with institutional knowledge and best practices.

Sean also continues to support the Divison as its Website Coordinator.

Send Sean an Email

Student Representative


The Student Representative serves as a liaison between the Division’s student members and Executive Committee and leads efforts to recruit student members to join the Division.

Contact the Division to apply |

Committee Chairs and Coordinators

Newsletter Editor/Communications Chair

Jennifer Trotter

Plenary Americas

Newsletter Coordinators

Jeff Mills

Owner; J. M. Mills Communications, Inc.

Website Coordinator

Sean Maguire, AICP CEcD

Executive Director; Albany County Land Bank Corporation, New York

Awards Committee Chair

Jessica Harmon

Assistant City Manager; Kingsport, Tennessee

Membership Committee Chair

Rachel Selsky, AICP

CEO; Camoin Associates

Learning Committee Chair

Chris Mefford

President & CEO; Community Attributes Inc.

We're also looking for members to fill the following roles in our division.  Please contact any member of the Division's leadership team above to learn more.

  • Communications Committee Chair
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Conference Committee Chair
  • Conference Reception Coordinator