Professional and Educational Development

The Division offers a variety of professional and educational opportunities to our members. This educational outreach has included educational sessions and webinars on topics such as:

  • Small Firms: Doing Your Job While Running Your Business
  • Matching Consultants and Clients
  • Small Planning Firm — Large Consulting Firm
  • ABCs of RFPs and RFQs
  • Using Planning Consultants During Lean Times
  • The Secrets to Improving Client-Consultant Relations
  • The Future of Private Planning Consultants
  • The Ethics of Private Practice Consulting
  • Planners Gone Wild! How to Start a New Consulting Firm
  • Public vs. Private Practice Planning

We have also annually produced 1-2 national webinars for CM credits at low or no cost for members. Webinar announcements are publicized in e-bulletins to division members, on the Division's Facebook page, and in our LinkedIn group.